HERMESNET: AI-Powered Sustainability Data Insights.

Unlock the full potential of your ESG data. Transform your sustainability reporting into a powerful tool for achieving Net Zero and broader ESG goals.

HERMESNET: AI-Powered Sustainability Insights.

Unlock the full potential of your ESG data. Transform your sustainability reporting into a powerful tool for achieving Net Zero and broader ESG goals.

HERMESNET: AI-Powered Sustainability Insights.

Unlock the full potential of your ESG data. Transform your sustainability reporting into a powerful tool for achieving Net Zero and broader ESG goals.


Our products — for all sizes and types of organisations

With the help of cutting-edge technologies (AI, cloud collaboration and blockchain), our products help to identify ESG starting point, engage stakeholders, build a reporting template utilising leading frameworks (TCFD, GHG and SDG), collect & validate ESG data, generate ESG report and automate the process


Green trusted reporting

GTR is an ESG reporting and sustainability management solution for businesses on blockchain:

  • Leading frameworks (TCFD, SDG, and GHG protocol)
  • Streamlined ESG data collection, validation & consolidation
  • AI-powered materiality assessment
  • Trusted blockchain databases

PE Reporting

An ESG SaaS reporting and sustainability management software for the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry:

  • ESG and financial data and consolidation collection
  • ESG data audit
  • Portfolio monitoring
  • ESG and financial investors reporting


Green trusted reporting

GTR is an ESG reporting and sustainability management solution for businesses on blockchain:

  • Leading frameworks (TCFD, SDG, and GHG protocol)
  • Streamlined ESG data collection, validation & consolidation
  • AI-powered materiality assessment
  • Trusted blockchain databases

PE Reporting

An ESG SaaS reporting and sustainability management software for the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry:

  • ESG and financial data and consolidation collection
  • ESG data audit
  • Portfolio monitoring
  • ESG and financial investors reporting

Key features

Collaboration and stakeholders engagement​

HERMESNET brings together everything and everyone you need to tell your ESG story. Invite your stakeholders, tag teammates, divide tasks, communicate straight on the platform, plug & play with external data sources and share ESG reports on the platform.

Leading ESG frameworks

HERMESNET automates ESG processes and makes them compliant with leading ESG frameworks such as TCFD, GHG, or SDG.

Supply chain management​

Hermesnet’s straightforward plug & play approach enables to engage supply chain participants, build dedicated sustainability data collection environments, connect the suppliers’ systems, and automatically populate their data into your templates.

Streamlined data collection​
Use secure API connections to all major financial, accounting, CRM, ERP and other software systems to import available data from internal systems. Then set filters and automatically calculate metrics & populate your data.
No Greenwashing with blockchain trusted database

Ensure the accuracy of your ESG data and get your ESG report signed utilising the auditing tools. When your report is audited, the system automatically writes it down on the blockchain creating a single immutable source of your ESG trusted data.

Easy to get started

Hermesnet enables an effortless start of your ESG journey with an automatic materiality assessment and a list of recommended material topics to report on, tools to select the required functionality, match and mix, align with existing processes, and archive needed efficiency.

Cutting-edge technologies

AI and machine learning​

Hermesnet employs AI and machine learning to onboard, profile, and identify a business's material items and generate an ESG reporting template.

Cloud collaboration technology

Enterprise-level cloud collaboration technology allows engaging stakeholders to work together on documents and other data types on one end-to-end encrypted platform.


The blockchain element creates accountability, making exchanged data trustable and building immutable history of the data exchanged between participants.

For large, medium and small businesses

GTR enables corporates, despite their ESG expertise, automatically perform materiality assessment, build ESG reporting templates (compliant with leading frameworks  TCFD, GHG, and SDG), engage stakeholders, collect ESG data (including supply chain data), audit collected data, generate an ESG report and share the report with interested stakeholders.

For private equity investors & managers

An ESG SaaS reporting and sustainability management software for the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry. PE Reporting streamlines ESG and financial data collection, portfolio monitoring and investor reporting using Blockchain technology.

For large, medium and small businesses

GTR enables corporates, despite their ESG expertise, automatically perform materiality assessment, build ESG reporting templates (compliant with leading frameworks TCFD, GHG, and SDG), engage stakeholders, collect ESG data (including supply chain data), audit collected data, generate an ESG report and share the report with interested stakeholders.

For private equity investors & managers

An ESG SaaS reporting and sustainability management software for the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry. PE Reporting streamlines ESG and financial data collection, portfolio monitoring and investor reporting using Blockchain technology.




Clients and partners

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